Viviware Cell 2, Part A: Intermediate, [Ages 11-14], 3 Jul – 31 Jul Bootcamp (Sun 10:00AM – 12:00PM) @ Bukit Timah

We can’t wait to see your curious kids in our classrooms for a creative coding adventure!
Questions? Give us a ring at +65 3159 0980 or shoot us an email at [email protected] – we’d love to chat.


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Class Details


Class schedule




Lesson 1

3 Jul

10:00am - 12:00pm

Lesson 2

10 Jul

10:00am - 12:00pm

Lesson 3

17 Jul

10:00am - 12:00pm

Lesson 4

24 Jul

10:00am - 12:00pm

Lesson 5

31 Jul

10:00am - 12:00pm

Course Description

Course Summary

Learning outcomes:

complex combinations and pairing of VIVIWARE components, with a focus on creating a remote-controlled car that can successfully navigate through an obstacle course designed by the students themselves!

  • Suitable for Ages: 11-14
  • Completes in: 8 hours
  • Class Size of: 6 (1:6 teacher student ratio)
  • Price: 295

Upon completion of the course, the student would receive

Viviware Cell 2, Part A: Intermediate

All About the Course

What do you do, what do you get, what do you need?

Continue your learning journey with VIVIWARE after learning the basics. Students will learn more complex combinations and pairing of VIVIWARE components, with a focus on creating a remote-controlled car that can successfully navigate through an obstacle course designed by the students themselves!
Each day’s lesson structure is broken down and summarized into columns so parents have a better idea of what their children learnt each day.

We’ve also included 2 sections “Things you can do with your child” and “Questions to ask your kid” to help you learn alongside your kid and to help them share with you what they’ve learnt during the course!

The “Taking it further” column provides parents with information on what their children can do with the knowledge and skills they have acquired at this camp.

Feedback, suggestions or any comments? Email us at [email protected].

Life skills you'll learn

Design Thinking
Logical Thinking
Problem Solving
Critical Thinking
Attention to Detail

Focus of the course